News (10)
Israel Seizes 64 Dunams for Settler Colony |
By :Middle East Monitor |
16 April 2024 |
Israel seizes 64 dunams in southern West Bank to establish a settlement
The Israeli Occupation authorities have issued a military decision to seize 64 dunums (64,000 square metres) of citizens’ land in al-Bouira area, north of the city of Hebron in the southern occupied West Bank, in order to establish a More...
Israeli Firms Selling Stolen Palestinian Land to US Jews |
By :Middle East Monitor |
15 April 2024 |
Israeli Firms Are Working Overtime to Sell Stolen Palestinian Land to US Jews
The real estate events peddling land in Israeli settlements in the West Bank appear to flout US and international law.
“Your chance to own a piece of the Holy Land!” exclaims the cheerful advertising copy on a real estate website aimed More...
Kushner Eyes Gaza Real Estate, Incites Population Transfer Crimes |
22 March 2024 |
Jared Kushner says Gaza’s ‘waterfront property could be very valuable’
Donald Trump’s son-in-law also says Israel should bulldoze an area of the Negev desert and move Palestinians there
Jared Kushner has praised the “very valuable” potential of Gaza’s “waterfront property” and suggested Israel should remove civilians while it “cleans up” the strip.
The More...
Kushner Eyes Gaza Real Estate, Incites Population Transfer Crimes |
22 March 2024 |
Jared Kushner says Gaza’s ‘waterfront property could be very valuable’
Donald Trump’s son-in-law also says Israel should bulldoze an area of the Negev desert and move Palestinians there
Jared Kushner has praised the “very valuable” potential of Gaza’s “waterfront property” and suggested Israel should remove civilians while it “cleans up” the strip.
The More...
New York Law Aims to Stop Funding of Israeli Colonies |
By :Chris McGreal, The Guardian |
17 May 2023 |
New York law aims to stop funding of illegal Israeli settlements in West Bank
State assembly member introduced law to prohibit tax-deductible donations from being used to expel Palestinians from their land
New York’s state assembly is to consider legislation to stop registered charities from sending tens of millions of dollars a More...
UN Marks 75 Years of Palestinian Displacement |
By :UN |
15 May 2023 |
UN marks 75 years since displacement of 700,000 Palestinians
The UN on Monday commemorated for the first time in its history, the mass displacement of Palestinians from land that was to become Israel, 75 years ago, that turned 700,000 Palestinians into refugees, almost overnight.
The mass displacement in 1948, known as the More...
EU Commission Defies Court’s Western Sahara Ruling |
By :WSRW |
07 February 2023 |
EU Commission continues to disregard EU Court
The EU Commission has authored a new report detailing how Moroccan settlers benefit from a trade agreement that has been found illegal by the EU Court of Justice multiple times.
Western Sahara Resource Watch (WSRW) has got access to a highly controversial document, dated 13 More...
Proposal for a UN Habitat Stakeholder-engagement Mechanism |
01 September 2022 |
US Nonprofits Drive Illegal Israeli Colonies |
By :Elena Hodges, Just Security |
10 June 2022 |
Hidden In Plain Sight: US Nonprofits as Drivers of Illegal Israeli Settlements
What U.S. tax law can and should do about it
Concerns about the mass expulsion of Palestinians by Israeli authorities are on the rise following a recent High Court of Justice decision ratifying the forced displacement of around 1,200 Palestinian More...
Human Rights Related to Habitat (Land, Housing, Population Transfer, Natural Resources) in Moroccan-occupied Western Sahara |
29 March 2022 |
Document Title
Publication Date |
Proposal for a UN Habitat Stakeholder-engagement Mechanism
01 September 2022 |
Joint Submission to the Human Rights Committee on Israel’s Sixth Periodic Review
31 January 2022 |
Entrenching and Maintaining an Apartheid Regime over the Palestinian People as a Whole
07 January 2022 |
Counting on Justice: A Reckoning of Land Rights Violations and Their Consequences toward Reparations for Victims in Yemen
24 October 2021 |
Un derecho humano a la tierra
05 August 2021 |
حق الإنسان في الأرض
18 June 2021 |
Violation du droit de logement et de l´habitat en Haïti durant la pandémie de COVID-19
05 October 2020 |
"A Pandemic of Violations"
05 October 2020 |
جائحة من الانتهاكات الإخلاء القسري، وغيره من انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان المرتبطة بالموئل وسط جائحة كوفيد-19
05 October 2020 |
Incidents of infrastructure development that displace people: Baseline assessment of women’s wealth, wellbeing and habitat including potential losses
30 July 2020 |
The Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on Housing Rights
20 July 2020 |
Stakeholder Engagement Mechanism for Sustainable Development
09 February 2020 |
نحو آلية مؤسسية لتشارك أصحاب المصلحة في حوكمة موئل الأمم المتحدة الجديدة
09 February 2020 |
Toward an Institutional Mechanism for Stakeholder Engagement in the New UN Habitat Governance
09 February 2020 |
Vers un Mécanisme Institutionnel d’Engagement des parties prenantes dans la Nouvelle Gouvernance d’ONU Habitat
09 February 2020 |
Integrating the engagement of local governments and stakeholders in UN HABITAT
22 October 2018 |
Human Rights Habitat Observatory
10 July 2017 |
Alternativas desde la sociedad civil hacia Hábitat III,
12 August 2016 |
HIC @ Habitat III
23 June 2016 |
"Key Issues and Recommendations," Housing in the City We Need UTC
18 November 2015 |
Security of Tenure through the Habitat Agenda, 1976–2016
16 November 2015 |
تحويل عالمنا: خطة التنمية المستدامة لعام 2030 A/RES/70/1
21 October 2015 |
Reporte National de México para Hábitat III
20 October 2015 |
HIC Comments on Habitat III Issue Papers
31 July 2015 |
أساسيات الموئل الثالث
16 April 2015 |
Habitat II Evaluation Criteria
03 March 2015 |
Vienna, “Menschenrechte in der Stadt: Eine Stadt für Alle (English version)
19 December 2014 |
Eviction Impact Assessment in Chilla Khadar Village
12 December 2014 |
The Right to the City: Jerusalem
26 October 2014 |
Eviction Impact Assessment in Chilla Khadar Village
12 December 2012 |
The Cruel Side of Delhi`s Beautification: Illegal Demolition in Baljeet Nagar
30 June 2011 |
Social Production of Housing in Mexico: Its National Importance and Its Economic Impact on Poor Households
30 September 2006 |
Planned Dispossession: Forced Evictions and the 2010 Commonwealth Games
31 December 2005 |
A Doutrina da Função Social da Propriedade
01 March 2000 |
Constructing a New Social Alternative
03 February 1996 |
NGO Treaty on Urbanisation. Towards Just Democratic and Sustainable Cities, Towns and Villages
16 June 1992 |
Comité des droits économiques, sociales et culturelles, "Le droit à un logement suffisant," Observation générale no 4
13 December 1991 |
Health principles of housing
30 June 1989 |
The situation in the Middle East, A/RES/37/123
14 December 1984 |
Right to the City in Greater Beirut p
01 January 1970 |
Henri Lefebvre, “Le droit à la ville,” L`Homme et la société, Vol. 6, No. 1 (1967)
01 June 1967 |