Koto Panjang Dam

What is affected
Housing private
Land Private
Electricity, Sewage
Type of violation Forced eviction
Date 01 November 2002
Region A [ Asia ]
Country Indonesia
Location Karen, Eastern Pegu, Southern Shan, Karenni, Mon, Tenasserim

Affected persons

Total 20000
Men 0
Women 0
Children 0
Proposed solution

Stop eviction. Authorities provide reparation for those dispossessed, injured and killed.

Details Evictions_in_Cambodia.html
Forced eviction
Land losses

- Land area (square meters)

- Total value
Housing losses
- Number of homes
- Total value €

Duty holder(s) /responsible party(ies)

Japanese government, Japanese Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC),Japanese construction companies
Brief narrative

Source: IRN http://www.irn.org/programs/seasia/pdf/030309.irnjbic.pdfIn September 2002, an unprecedented lawsuit was filed by communities affected by the Koto Panjang Dam in Indonesia. The project, which was supported by the Japanese government and built by Japanese construction companies, forcibly evicted around 20,000 people from their homes and land and destroyed important habitat for endangered species such as elephants, tigers, bears and monkeys. The 3861 plaintiffs are demandingthat the Japanese government and the Japanese company which designed the dam take measures to restore the rivers destroyed by the project, and pay compensation of 5 million yen (about $42,000) per person.

Costs €   0
