War, Occupation Force Sahrawis to Flee

What is affected
Housing Social/public
Housing private
Land Social/public
Land Private
Type of violation Forced eviction
Date 06 November 1975
Region MENA [ Middle East/North Africa ]
Country Western Sahara
Location Western Sahara

Affected persons

Total 330000
Men 0
Women 0
Children 0
Proposed solution Self determination end the occupation
Details Pamphlet 2 WS v..doc
Forced eviction
Land losses

- Land area (square meters)

- Total value

Duty holder(s) /responsible party(ies)

Brief narrative Following the “Green March,” 6 November 1975, and the incursion of Moroccan and Mauritanian forces into the Western Sahara, 240,000 Sahrawis fled to Algeria, Mauritania, or Morocco. 90,000 others became internally displaced within the territory that gradually was divided between the Moroccan-occupied zone and the POLISARIO controlled “liberated zone.”

During the armed conflict (1976–91), Sahrawis abandoned their homes in order to escape the violence. Makeshift camps were set up elsewhere in the territory, but the Moroccan military bombed those shelters; forcing Sahrawis to seek refuge further afield in POLISARIO-controlled areas.
Costs €   0
