Massive Slum Evictions in Bangladesh

What is affected
Water, sanitation and elictricity
Type of violation Forced eviction
Date 01 January 1990
Region A [ Asia ]
Country Bangladesh
Location Kamalapur, Mohammadpur, Tejgaon, Maghbazaar, Babupura, Kazipara

Affected persons

Total 200000
Men 0
Women 0
Children 0
slum dwellers
Proposed solution Stop eviction. Authorities provide reparation for those dispossessed, injured and killed.
Details YEMEN FE of Akhdam.doc
COHRE CERD rpt on roma in italy.pdf
Forced eviction
Costs € 16759658
Land losses

- Land area (square meters)

- Total value
Housing losses
- Number of homes 20000
- Total value €

Duty holder(s) /responsible party(ies)

Global Coal Management Plc, UBS, RAB, Capital, Barclays
Brief narrative Source: Shelter for the Poor

It is defacto policy in Dhaka, Bangladesh to evict slums gener­ally located on government land. An estimated 200,000 people were affected and US$ 2.5 million worth of properties were destroyed in 30 cases of major forced eviction in Dhaka in-between 1990-92. Actual number of evictions could be many more as not all cases are, reported either to the relevant authority, police, and organizations of the poor or the media. Brutal means are used in the eviction: the most prominent are cor­doning of and beating the squatters, resorting to arson which is a popular and cheap and effective method and employing hired mastaans.
Costs €   16759658
