Cooperation and Alliances
The spirit of cooperation
June 30 2008

HIC-HLRN demonstrates that there is strength in numbers. The Urgent Action system is a practical expression of that principle. Hence, in order to give every housing and land rights violation victim and defender the best chance to benefit from united, international support for justice in his/her case, HIC-HLRN willing to join forces with other networks, in addition to HIC Members, whenever possible and strategically appropriate. The broader the Urgent Appeals and Open Letters are distributed, the greater the potential for your solidarity action to have effect.


As you can see in our appeals, we have been cooperating closely with local NGOs and community-based organizations, because they constitute the best sources of information, and sometimes (ideally always) the initiators of the appeals. Historically, HLRN also has shared a systematic collaboration with the International Secretariat of the World Organisation against Torture (OMCT) to issue common Urgent Action appeals and distribute them throughout our respective networks. Unfortunately this cooperation is suspended for reasons internal to OMCT. However, over time, this Urgent Action system also has operated with informal cooperation with COHRE, FIAN, La Via Campesina and ESCR-Net.


In the spirit of solidarity and cooperation, HLRN hopes to go on broadening relations with other networks and NGOs for defending people`s human rights to housing and land.

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